IT Services > Consulting > Software Auditing
Improve your productivity, security, and system performance; ensure reliability of your computer system and assess the risks. Optimize your computer system through Net1C's consulting and auditing services.
Infrastructure Auditing
Net1C will help you optimize your IT infrastructure and assess the balance between your computer equipment and proper operation of your activities or projects by auditing your IT assets and infrastructure. After which, Net1C will submit a detailed report of its analysis with suggestions regarding the choice of solutions, technologies and hardware.
Net1C can provide support and advise you on the extension/development of your projects, assess maintenance and migration risks and offer you our value-added solutions.
a final report is established and covers in particular:
- workstations (desktops and mobiles)
- architecture of your information system
- servers
- databases
- (inter)connections
- security (internal policies and security software)
Network Auditing
Network auditing gives a precise view of your network architecture and includes a comprehensive analysis of its efficiency, capacity, security, maintenance requirements, and how it can be expanded. As an Internet Service Provider, we have extensive internal experience in this area in both the technical and financial sides (choice of suppliers, hardware, operators, etc.)
Net1C also offers its customers the possibility of obtaining a business audit depending on their objectives and needs.
The results of this audit cover in particular:
- servers and the network services they furnish
- architecture of your information system
- physical network and active hardware (routers, switches, etc.)
- databases
- (inter)connections (multi-site connections, Internet connections)
- telephony (telephony systems, monthly phone bill, etc.)
- security (authorizations, data security, network and Internet access)
Security Auditing
Security auditing is a means of obtaining precise reporting on the risks a business runs with respect to its IT infrastructure. This analysis, which can cover all or only parts of the infrastructure components, is a way of identifying risks, assessing threats, measuring impacts on performance and, therefore, defining the security and back-up mechanisms required to prevent failures.
Net1C (in collaboration with the management or IT department of your company) can carry out, in addition to this audit, a risk analysis to determine whether the security vulnerabilities are tolerable or not, depending on your activity, costs and available means.
The audit report will include: physical security (controlling physical access, electrical wiring, fire hazard protection, compliance, etc.), security software (OS, the active software, etc.), data security (back-up strategies, confidentiality, user access, etc.) and network security (Internet access, firewall, remote access, VPN, etc.)